‘Celebrity’ traveling pets?! Giggle…

Ok, we’ve gotta stop reading this stuff…  A recent Travel+Leisure article about celebrity pup Chloe, the Mini Frenchie made us…giggle. We are no strangers to pet travel. The motley crew you see above consists of Missy, the Pomeranian, Tucker, the mostly Pomeranian, Shelly, the Japanese Chin and Roscoe, the Chorkie. These guys have traveled across … More ‘Celebrity’ traveling pets?! Giggle…

Good morning!!

Have you ever known a chicken? We’ve known quite a few over the years and it occurs to us that chickens are a lot like people in SOME ways. There are some you really like and some you just don’t. Some are beautiful but lack character. Some are sadly unattractive but have other great qualities to … More Good morning!!